Frequently Asked Questions

Why provide services at a clinic? I need help at home!

Our specialization is a skills-based process. The only long-term solution to treating problem behaviors is developing appropriate social skills, tolerance, and other alternative behaviors that will functionally replace the behaviors of concern. While it is certainly possible to teach those skills in a busy home environment, most of the time, it is easier and faster to work on these skills at the clinic. Once your child learns the appropriate skills in the clinic, intensive parent training is implemented to help generalize to the home setting, including home visits as needed. Having said that, we sometimes implement the start of the treatment in the home setting. But generally, we find working at the clinic is better.

What should I do while my child is learning the skills? I need help now!

We will provide some suggestions to help minimize problems while waiting for the skills-based treatment process to be completed.

How likely is this to be successful with my child?

Of course, there are no guarantees of successful outcomes. The research and our own clinical practice suggest that it is usually (certainly not always!) highly effective. Over the last several years, the treatment process has been continuously improving. Our goal is to be in a continuous state of POOGI (Process of On-Going Improvement). We believe that no matter how good you are, there is always substantial room for improvement. We are constantly attempting to upgrade by staying abreast of the current research, getting regular training, seeking feedback from parents, and, most importantly, learning the lessons the children we work with are teaching us.


This sounds great, but there is no way I can get to the clinic in Danbury!

Of course, we can’t help everyone – although we wish we could! In some cases, we will offer therapy through telehealth with parents. Contact Us to discuss whether this might be right for your family.